Narratives of Conflict: Hamas's Strategic Use of Telegram for Psychological Warfare

July 04, 2024 Evin K. Vinoy
The key focus of this article is to investigate the strategic use of social media by Hamas for psychological warfare in the ongoing conflict in Gaza, with a particular focus on influencing public opinion. This study hypotheses that Hamas utilises Telegram for coordinated psychological warfare to influence public opinion in its favour through strategic messaging tactics. In the midst of the escalating conflict, Hamas has significantly intensified its efforts to manipulate media narratives, targeting global audiences.
Applying a qualitative framework analysis, this study examines the narratives, linguistic framing and visual media employed by Hamas in spreading anti-Israeli sentiment and influencing public opinion. Previous insights have indicated instances where claims related to war crimes and imagery featuring casualties are strategically utilised, intentionally intended to provoke emotional responses and narrate public discourse. The key analysis method in this article focuses on the examination of language, rhetoric and imagery.
The article aims to include an analysis on how the use of narratives, linguistic framing and visual media shapes public reaction across various social media platforms. It specifically observes the public reaction on these platforms in response to Hamas’s communication during the conflict. This approach aims to provide an understanding of the interplay between psychological warfare and public perception in the context of asymmetrical conflicts.
The Israel-Hamas conflict has been one of the most prolonged and bloody struggles in the Middle East. Hamas, a Palestinian Sunni-Islamic fundamentalist group, has waged an armed campaign against Israel with the stated goal of liberating Palestinian territories and establishing an independent Islamic state. Designated as a terrorist organization by several countries, Hamas's military wing has carried out numerous suicide bombings and rocket attacks against Israeli civilians and security forces.
Israel, maintaining that Hamas's charter calls for the destruction of the Israeli state and the group's refusal to renounce violence, has responded with substantial military force. This has led to several major escalations, including conflicts like the 2008-2009 Gaza War and the 2014 Gaza War, resulting in thousands of casualties on both sides, albeit disproportionately higher among Palestinian civilians.
In the ongoing hostilities since May 2023, Hamas has employed sophisticated psychological warfare tactics, including leveraging social media to shape global narratives around the conflict. Through coordinated campaigns on platforms like Telegram, the group has sought to amplify rhetoric portraying Israeli forces as indiscriminate aggressors targeting innocent Palestinian civilians. Emotive visuals of casualties and destroyed infrastructure have been strategically coupled with allegations of war crimes to provoke outrage worldwide.
This study investigates Hamas's weaponization of the Telegram platform as a tool for orchestrating psychological warfare aimed at influencing international public opinion in its favour during the current escalation. Applying qualitative content analysis frameworks, it examines the narratives, rhetorical techniques, and multimedia propaganda disseminated by official and affiliated Hamas groups on Telegram to discern their influence potential and cognitive impacts on audience perceptions.
Data Collection
This study employed a direct immersive approach to data collection by joining and monitoring various Telegram groups affiliated with or sympathetic to Hamas. Over the course of the study, the researcher has actively participated in 15 different Telegram groups (listed in Appendix A) that served as critical data sources. These groups included official Hamas channels, news outlets promoting the group's narratives, and independent communities engaged in disseminating pro-Hamas rhetoric and multimedia content.
The selection criteria for these groups involved identifying channels with sizeable memberships engaged in propagating pro-Hamas rhetoric and narratives and channels that may have members aligning with pro-Hamas rhetoric and narratives. Factors like channel descriptions, group titles, shared multimedia content aligned with Hamas ideology, and initial message sampling helped ascertain relevance to the research focus. Within each group, the research undertook systematic data acquisition by documenting unfolding discussions, critically examining multimedia content being circulated, and archiving messages representing core propaganda narratives.
Data Analysis
The data corpus comprised over archived Telegram messages containing text, images, videos, and audio recordings captured from the monitored groups during the data collection period. This raw data underwent qualitative content analysis using a framework that evaluated three key components:
1) Narrative Analysis: Identifying the overarching messaging themes, storylines, and narratives that Hamas and its supporters attempted to reinforce through coordinated campaigns on Telegram.
2) Rhetorical Analysis: Examining the linguistic techniques, terminology, framing devices and emotive language strategically employed to provoke specific psychological impacts and shape audience perceptions.
The analyses systematically categorised data elements across these two areas, facilitating exploration of thematic intersections between the narrative, and rhetoric at play. Examining the themes of conversations and constant comparative techniques were used to identify and investigate procedural insights.
Besides documenting manifest content, the analysis also accounted for latent representations, subtle cues, contextual factors, and connotative meanings embedded within the Telegram messages. Insights from previous studies on militant propaganda were incorporated to enrich analysis around recurring propaganda models, cognitive impacts, and systematic rhetoric based structure.
Key Findings
The qualitative analysis of the various posts exhibit a range of various themes that reveal several prevalent themes related to the Israel-Palestinian conflict, including militant actions, religious rhetoric, and political commentary, and pro-Hamas sentiment. A breakdown of the findings include-
1. Political Commentary and Conflict Reporting:
The sample posts exhibit several signs of criticism of Iran's support for Hamas, questioning Iran, despite having the capability to engage directly in conflict with Israel, hasn't done so. The poster also questions the role of Arab governments in preventing such conflicts. This reflects a sentiment of frustration towards Iran's actions in the region and highlights the complexities of alliances and conflicts in the Middle East. (Arabic: يا راجل يا طيب إيران بقالها 75 سنه اقولك علي طريق القدس ???? صدام يمكن أطلق صواريخ وهدد اسرائيل ايران ماذا فعلت غير قتل اهل السنه والمسلمين في العراق والشام ؟ انت مغيب ولا كيف وضعك ؟؟ أليس الحرس الثوري الإيراني علي الحدود مع إسرائيل ؟؟ لماذا لا يدخل ف الحرب مباشره ما الذي يمنعه !! طيب والحدود مفتوحه ليش ما يحارب ! وين الحكومات العربيه الي تمنع ؟ + يا حبيبي الي بدو يقدم شيء للدين ما ينتظر يقولي حكومات ولا مدري ايش !! هاد حماس أضعف نقطه في المسلمين والعرب من حيث الإمكانيات والسلام وكلش)
Another post speculates on the motives behind Iran's reluctance to directly engage in conflict with Israel despite its proximity and military capabilities. It questions whether Iran's support for Hamas serves its broader geopolitical interests and highlights the complexities of regional alliances. (Arabic: شوفنا الحرس الثوري الإيراني قاعد على الحدود مع إسرائيل، بس ما بيدخلوا بالحرب! ليش ما بيدخلوا؟ هل لأنهم بيدافعوا عن حماس حقاً، ولا عندهم مصالح كبيرة تتعلق بإسرائيل؟! إيران دايماً بتحكي عن دعمها لفلسطين وحماس، بس هل هذا الدعم فعلاً من أجل القضية أم هو جزء من لعبة أكبر؟)
2. Criticism of Iran's Priorities:
There are posts criticising Iran's support for Hamas while neglecting the suffering of people in other regions, particularly in Syria and Iraq. It questions the poster's apparent double standard in sympathizing with Gaza while ignoring the plight of Syrians and Iraqis, attributing their suffering to Iran and its allies. This highlights the complexities of regional conflicts and alliances, where different groups prioritize their own interests over broader humanitarian concerns. (Arabic: حبيبي انتا يعني لانو إيران دعمت حماس هيا هيك صارت الملاك ؟ الا يبكيك تشرد اهلنا في إدلب والشمال السوري وقتلهم والتنكيل بهم بسبب إيران واذنابها ؟؟ اتكيل بمكيالين يبكيك اطفال غزه ولا تبكيك اطفال سوريا والعراق من السنه المسلمين ؟؟ اي نفاق هاد ؟؟)
3. Comparison of Contributions:
The third post contrasts Iran's support for Hamas with the perceived lack of contribution from other Arab countries. It accuses these countries of submission and normalization with Israel, while praising Iran for its supposed steadfastness. This reflects a narrative of regional power dynamics, where Iran is portrayed as a champion of Palestinian resistance against perceived Arab acquiescence to Israeli interests. (Arabic: مادام وايران دعمت حماس بالسلام الف الف مليون شكر واحترام وتقدير وايش الذي قدمته بقيه الدول العربيه ماقدرو يقدمو حتى لقمة خبز او شربة ماء ماذا قدم العالم لغزه وحماس قدمو الخنوع والخوف والتطبيع لاسرائيل)
Another post which highlights the comparison of contributions particularly highlighting the Abraham accords and the oppressive nature of the Arab governments comparing and highlighting Iran as a better contributor (Arabic: أنت مشتبه به على الأقل ساعدت إيران حماس ولكن الحكومات العربية هي التي أطلقت صلح إبراهيم...؟؟؟!!! لماذا لا توجهون رأس سهم انتقاداتكم غير المبررة نحو الحكومات المستبدة من العرب الشرهين والعرب الدنيويين؟؟؟!!! التي أقامتها المستوطنات الصهيونية في الدول العربية؟؟؟!!!! وإذا لم نقل أن رجال الدولة العرب هم دمى في أيدي الصهاينة بل من الواضح أن الصهاينة اخترقواهم حتى النخاع وهم أدوات)
4. Reflections on Military Strategies:
There are posts discussing the military strategies employed by Hamas during conflicts with Israel, particularly referencing the October 7th attack. It suggests that while Israel's retaliation was expected, Hamas displayed tactical prowess and military acumen. The post also dismisses accusations blaming Shia groups for Hamas' actions, portraying Hamas members as naive victims of manipulation. This showcases the complexity of military engagements and the perception of Hamas as a strategic actor. (Arabic: نا بحكي عن 7 اكتوبر حماس الي باغتتهم ونكلت فيهم ما بحكي عن رد اسرائيل بعدها يعني الضربة القوية الي هزتهم وكسرت كيانهم هي 7 اكتوبر واكيييييييد كلنا متوقعين الرد ???????? بس الحرب اتيكيت وحنكة عسكرية ما تحكيلي الشيعة كانوا سبب بدخول حماس الحرب شو شايفهم ( حماس ) اولاد صغار شاطة ريالتهم يتفقوا مع حزب الله على حرب وهو يخدعهم هاد حكي فاضي)
5. Support for Hamas' Objectives:
There are several posts expressing support for Hamas' efforts in achieving victory and freedom. It reflects a sentiment of solidarity with Hamas' goals and emphasises the importance of resisting Israeli occupation. This sentiment underscores the ideological and nationalist support that Hamas garners among certain segments of the population. (Arabic: كيف ليش هلحكي عل حماس عم تعمل جهدها تجيب نصر وحريه)
There are several posts which expresses support for Hamas, in particular highlighting it as the symbol of Islamic nationhood (Arabic: حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل فيه حماس رمز الأمة الأسلامية وتاج على راسك يا خاين ????
اعتدنا منذ الازل ان من يحارب لاستعادة استقلال بلاده يسمى ارهابي.. وتصريحك يدل انه حماس على حق.. عاشت حماس وسدد الله خطى المقاومة والباقي لا يهم فاصحاب هذا الكلام ما هم الا دمى متحركة في يد الاعداء وسنرى النصر يتحقق قريبا على ايدي من سميتموهم ارهابا)
6. Tribute to Hamas Founders and Egypt's Role:
The sixth post pays tribute to the founders of Hamas, particularly Sheikh Yassin and Aziz al-Qassam, highlighting their historical significance in the Palestinian resistance movement. It also acknowledges Egypt's role in supporting Hamas and facilitating negotiations, portraying Egypt as a nurturing guardian of Muslim unity. This narrative emphasizes the historical context and regional dynamics shaping Hamas' trajectory. (Arabic: لذي لمع صورتنا هو الشيخ ياسين رحمه الله مؤسس حركة حماس . الذي لمع صورتنا
هو الشيخ عز الدين القسام الذي أتى إلى علماء مصر ليطلب العلم الشرعي و العون في الجهاد . الذي لمع مصر خوض مصر اولى معاركها ضد اليهود في ٤٨ بعد الاحتلال مباشرةً. الذي لمع مصر استعانة حركة حماس بمصر بصورة مستمرة كوسيطة في أي هدنة أو صفقات تبادل للأسرى . الذي لمع مصر هو احتوائها ١٢ مليون مسلم من كل بلاد المسلمين المتضررين ليقينهم أنها كحضن الأم لأبنائها دون تردد . فكيف للقيط مثلك لا نعلم له نسب أو اصل يبدي رأيه في أم الدنيا)
7. Accusation of Mismanagement:
The seventh post accuses Hamas of misappropriating aid intended for Palestinians, citing specific incidents of violence perpetrated by Hamas members. It reflects a narrative of internal criticism and disillusionment with Hamas' leadership, particularly regarding issues of corruption and governance. This highlights the complexities of governing in a conflict-ridden territory and the challenges of maintaining legitimacy in the eyes of the population. (Arabic: حماس هيا الي بتسرق المساعدات يلا ، لو مش مصدق شوف بعينك على صفحه رمزي حرزالله دول قتلو واحد وطفل من اسبوعين تقريبا وكل دا موجود بالفيديوهات احنا الي مغيبين بس)
8. Expression of Disappointment:
There are several posts expressing disappointment and condemnation towards Hamas, portraying it as a betrayal of the Islamic Ummah. This sentiment reflects disillusionment with Hamas' leadership and actions, suggesting a perceived deviation from its purported role as a symbol of Islamic resistance. It underscores the diverse range of opinions within the Muslim community regarding Hamas' effectiveness and legitimacy. (Arabic: حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل فيه حماس رمز الأمة الإسلامية وتاج على رأسك يا خاين ????)
Another post in Russian highlights disillusionment with Hamas’s actions, in particular Hamas’s usage of casualties as propaganda (Russian: У хамас трупы - это достояние народа , они с ними носятся , перемещают их с места на место, фотографируются , переодевают их .Только вопрос , как получается что родители все живы а дети погибают , если погибают под бомбежкой , то погибает вся семья а не только дети)
9. Antisemitic Rhetoric:
There are several posts containing instances of antisemitic rhetoric propagated by individuals or groups associated with Hamas. These expressions of hatred and incitement against Jews and Israelis are not only morally reprehensible but also contribute to a toxic atmosphere of intolerance and violence.
Dehumanisation and Demonization:
Many of the posts employ dehumanising language, referring to Jews as "pigs" and "descendants of pigs" ("الخنازير" in Arabic). This dehumanisation tactic is a common feature of antisemitic rhetoric, aimed at portraying Jews as less than human and therefore unworthy of empathy or respect. By likening Jews to animals, the rhetoric seeks to justify violence against them and promote a culture of hatred and hostility. (Arabic: حاشا الخنازير، الخنازير أشرف من هؤلاء اليهود الصهاينة .. إنّهم خراء الخنازير، أكرمكم الله.)
Blatant Calls for Violence:
Several posts contain explicit calls for violence against Jews and Israelis, including wishes for their death and destruction. Phrases like "الموت لإسرائيل" (death to Israel) and "أنصر اخواننا واهلك حفدة الخنازير" (support our brothers and destroy the descendants of pigs) demonstrate a clear intent to incite harm and perpetrate acts of terrorism. Such language not only fuels existing conflicts but also escalates tensions and undermines efforts towards peace and reconciliation.
Religious Justification:
Some posts invoke religious language and imagery to legitimise their hateful rhetoric. References to Allah and prayers for divine assistance in destroying Israel ("اللهم كن في عون فلسطين") attempting to cloak violent intentions by invoking religious duty.
10. Questioning Accusations:
The tenth post questions accusations against Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas, demanding evidence to support claims of their involvement in various conflicts. It asserts Iran's support for Palestine while challenging narratives that demonize these groups as terrorist organizations. This reflects a narrative of skepticism towards mainstream media portrayals of regional actors and their motivations. (Arabic: هل لديك دليل على الكلام؟! من أعطى اليمن الصاروخ ليضرب أمريكا؟ من أعطى حزب الله الصواريخ لضرب إسرائيل؟ ومن دعم حماس؟ إيران فعلت كل هذه الأشياء ونحن شعب إيران ندعم فلسطين ????????❤️????)
In conclusion, the analysis of the various posts from Hamas-affiliated sources reveals a multifaceted portrayal of the Israel-Palestinian conflict and the role of Hamas within it. The findings illustrate a complex landscape of political commentary, religious rhetoric, and ideological support, underscoring the diverse range of opinions and sentiments within the discourse surrounding Hamas and its actions. While some posts express unwavering support for Hamas and its objectives, portraying it as a symbol of resistance and Islamic unity, others criticise its leadership, tactics, and priorities. Moreover, the presence of antisemitic rhetoric within certain posts is deeply concerning, reflecting a dangerous trend of dehumanisation and incitement to violence.
The analysis also highlights the broader regional dynamics and geopolitical considerations shaping perceptions of Hamas and its allies, particularly regarding Iran's role and the relationships between various Arab states and Israel. These dynamics contribute to a complex narrative that intersects political, religious, and nationalist sentiments. Overall, the findings underscore the need for nuanced understanding and critical engagement with the rhetoric and actions of Hamas and other actors involved in the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
Appendix A: List of Monitored Telegram Groups
Comments from Gaza Now
Palestine TV
Hasan Aslih
Quds News Network
Al Jazeera Palestine
Al-Aqsa Channel
Resistance News Network
Palestinian Deterrence
Mosamen Miqdad
Majd Al-Qassam
Al-Qassam Brigades
Gaza now-website
Gaza Now
Gaza Now-English
Hamas Statements
Appendix B: Google Drive Folder
Appendix C: Arabic- English Translations
About the Author:
Evin K. Vinoy is currently working as a research intern at Indic Researchers Forum.
This Article reflects the opinion of the author and not necessarily the views of the organisation.
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